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mardi, septembre 10, 2024
Home Société & Santé Embezzlement scandal at CAMAIRCO !

Embezzlement scandal at CAMAIRCO !

Jean Paul NANA SANDJON is the managing director of Cameroon Airlines Corporation . Before his appointment as GM , he was a business man who supplied aircraft parts to Camairco. While he enjoys the luxury of a spanking new villa in Bonapriso, Douala, The state owned company which he manages is roped in an embezzlement scandal. The company is threatened by a 1 million dollar lawsuit to be filed in September by West Engine Acquisition WEA a US based firm for unpaid bills .

In 2014 WEA entered into a contract with CAMAIRCO to rent out an engine for the company’s Boeing 767 in exchange for a monthly fee of 45million francs. And things went well . But from March 2015 till now ,the plane has been grounded on Ethiopian soil where specialists continue to check and tune it. Meantime the monthly engine rental fee of 45 million cfa has continued to flow from government coffers .. A total of 540 million cfa over the last 12 months .Yet WEA the Delaware based company in the USA says she has not received the a penny.

Delaware is one of the states in the USA where the measures are very lenient and tax levy is relatively low when it comes to owning a business . It’s easy to bend the rules there. The ideal place for a Cameroonian(?) to plant WEA. It is believed to be a dubious company orchestrated by some Cameroonian officials especially as no information about it can be found on all the search engines on the web.

Another peculiarity about WEA is that the company is threatening to sue CAMAIRCO in…September .

Cameroon government has entrusted Alamine OUSMANE MEY finance minister with the responsibility of getting a fleet of planes .. By September. We’re told CAMAIRCO MD NANA SANDJON feels sidelined and by some coincidence (?) the Delaware based WEA is patiently waiting for September to take Camairco to court and cause her plane to be grounded (?)

Angie Forbin




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